Hacking one museum’s identity to create another 

2021, museum identity, campaign
In the autumn of 2020 the NRW-Forum, Dusseldorf’s avant-garde art museum, became a part of the Kunstpalast: the oldest art museum of Dusseldorf, Germany. To mark this bond, NRW-Forum asked for a new identity which demonstrated their unity with the Kunstpalast, but which also retained the original NRW-Forum attitude and style. 
In response, we developed a new identity that presents NRW-Forum as the new kid on a block where it has always lived. NRW is the ‘wild child’ to the Kunstpalast, expressing itself by taking parts of the Kunstpalast’s branding and hacking them to form its own identity.

This identity gives NRW-Forum’s creative department complete freedom and so the museum can continue to reinvent itself through hacking for many years to come. 

Assets made: museum identity, interior and exterior signage, social campaign

Made with whom?
Client: NRW Forum
Art direction: Stephanie Lüscher & Tristan Roques
Creative direction: Gijs van den Berg
Made @ KesselsKramer